Granted, there isn't much blood and gore, it looks about as shiny as all James Wan productions do, and the tension isn't unbearable like the most effective of horror movies. It's a pretty approachable popcorn horror movie. Being that it was produced by James Wan of The Conjuring fame, there's a certain type of horror that you can expect when going into this movie. Lights Out is a mostly effective horror experience. Now, the two of them must unravel the mystery behind this unseen presence before anyone gets hurt. This film tells the story of Rebecca ( Teresa Palmer) and Martin ( Gabriel Bateman), two siblings who are forced to face a supernatural being who is attached to their mother and only appears in the shadows. Lights Out is a horror film directed by David F.
Lights out full movie youtube movie#
Here, it went viral and got Sandberg the attention of the movie industry, leading to the 2016 feature-length adaptation. First released in the Bloody Cuts Horror Challenge, the film would go on to be released on YouTube and Vimeo. Using simple lighting and editing techniques, Sandberg was able to make the film without having to rely on others and show his skills as a resourceful, smart filmmaker. Sandberg and his wife, Losten, made the film on a $0 budget in their home, using equipment that he had garnered over the years. It follows a woman ( Lotta Losten) as she's going to bed, and as she shuts out the lights in her house, somebody repeatedly appears in the shadows. The original Lights Out short film is a great, bite-sized horror short.